Bags for the disposal of clinical waste are a vital part of a health care practitioner’s routine.The safe handling and disposal of waste is not only a practical necessity, it is a legal requirement.
In 2013, The Department of Health published its ‘Health Technical Memorandum 07-01: Safe Management of Healthcare Waste’. This comprehensive 187-page document sets out in detail the obligations of those handling clinical waste, including the legislation that applies.The various acts referred to cover Controlled Waste, Hazardous Waste, the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Environmental Protection.
Key within this legislation is the concept of the ‘duty of care’, making it clear that all involved in an organisation, from the top to the bottom, have a responsibility, whether it is in the direct handling of materials or in the management of those who do. The legislation also defines the different categories of waste and the correct procedures for their disposal.
For this legislation to be met, it is essential that waste materials are clearly identified at the point of production, so that handling and disposal are appropriate for each different kind of waste. Segregation of waste into different categories, with clear identification, is therefore vital. This is why the use of the right sort of receptacle is crucial.
Polythene Clinical Waste Bags
Our clinical waste disposal bags are of strong construction and coloured to an internationally recognised colour coding regime, so that the type of waste material they are to be used for is clear. They also come printed with text and an instantly identifiable bio-hazard symbol.
This helps ensure that waste-handling complies with legislation throughout the bag’s journey:
- A bag’s colour and identifying marks enable waste to be properly segregated when it is produced.
- Those same features ensure that all who come into contact with the bag after it leaves the practitioner are aware of the type of waste in contains.
- Bags containing the same category of waste can then be grouped together and transported and disposed of in the correct way.
The proper use of appropriate waste disposal bags enables health care practitioners to work safely and comply with legislation.