Plastic bags are one of the most effective ways of promoting your business without investing a great deal of your marketing budget, and the majority of businesses have some form of their logo or colour printed onto the plastic bag so that potential customers can see their branding.
Many large companies get their message across to potential customers using the simple method of a plastic bag with their logo and name on it. If you want to invest in this form of marketing, then coloured polythene bags are one of the best ways to do this.
Coloured Plastic Bags are Popular
Coloured plastic bags are a popular way for the business to catch the eye of people, and they also provide a good contrast with other bags that your customer is carrying, since many will tend to be either plain white, or white with a brand logo on. You may choose to have eye-catching blues and yellows, or stick to darker reds and greens due to the contrast they provide with the white bags of other companies. You may also find that more than one colour in the bag can also attract the eye of people walking past.
Your customers will also appreciate your use of coloured bags, since these products serve to keep the purchase hidden. With clear polythene bags, the contents can be seen, and with white bags anything of a darker colour is also likely to show up. Coloured bags, particularly those with darker tones, tend to make it easier for the customer to be discreet about what they are buying. It may not be necessary, but if you can offer that extra privacy then you may find that customers are more eager to buy more of your products.